Introduction - Basics (network)


What does 'Computer Network' mean?  

Computer Network is a collection of devices (nodes) connected by a communication link. These devices that form a network (nodes) are capable of sending or/and receiving data.

They aid in Data Communication.

What are the criteria that must be considered to judge the effectiveness of a network?

1. Performance
 - quality of service. can me measured by calculating the time it takes between sending a data request and recieving the data (transit time and response time) over a network. Metrics considered here : throughput, delay.

2. Reliability
- the fault tolerance of the network. measured by the frequency of failure, the time it takes a link to recover from a failure, and the network's (recovers) robustness in
a catastrophe (in case of an error or fault)

3. Security
- includes protecting data beings transmitted from unauthorized access, protecting data alterted or deleted, and implementing policies and procedures for recovery from breaches and data losses.

4. Scalability
- refers to the extensibilty factor. Should be able to accomodate more devices without compromising other factors.

What are the types of Network connections?

1. Point-to-point 
- a dedicated link is provided between two devices.
for example : tv remote, connect the two devices only. (tv and remote)

2. Multipoint
- connection is one in which more than two specific devices share a single link.
for example : house device controller, a single remote can be used to control the AC, the Lights system and other smart home regulatories.

What are Network Topologies?

Network topologies defines how the various devices of a network are laid out, physically.
that is: geometric representation of the relationship of all the links and linking devices to one another.

1. Bus topology
2. Star topology
3. Ring topology
4. Mesh topology
5. Tree toplology
6. Hybrid topology
note their respective diagrams, features, advantages and disadvantages.

//for furthur refernence textbook - pg(10)

what are the various network categories?

1. LAN
2. MAN
3. WAN
4. PAN


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